The "Regulations and Guidelines" page of the University of Iğdır is an important resource that contains important documents on the university's disciplines and regulations. Students, teachers and staff can find information on university policies, academic rules, student discipline rules, teacher performance evaluation guidelines, and similar topics. Regulations and guidelines are prepared to ensure the corporate governance of the university, maintain academic standards and define the rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders at the university. This allows the university community of Idr to conduct educational, research and management activities in a fair and consistent environment.
Öğretim Üyeliğine Yükseltilme ve Atanma Kriterleri Yönergesi
Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı Programı Yönergesi YENİ
Danışma Kurulları Yönergesi
Araştırma Merkezleri Koordinatörlüğü Yönergesi
Birim ve Eklentilerine Ad Vermede Uyulacak Usul ve Esaslara İlişkin Yönerge
Ödüllendirme Yönergesi
Öğretim Elemanlarının Teknoloji Geliştirme Bölgelerinde Görevlendirilmelerine ve Şirket Kurabilmelerine İlişkin Uygulama Esaslari Yönergesi
Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Koordinatörlüğü Yönergesi
Hayvan Hastanesi İşletme Yönergesi
Öğretmen Yetiştiren Fakülteler Dişinda Formasyon Eğitimi Alinabilen Fakülteler/Yüksekokullarda Uygulanacak Olan Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Yönergesi
Accounting, Tax and SGK Applications in Technoparks
Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee Directive
Konut Yönergesi YENİ
Preliminary Financial Control Procedures Directive New
Iğdır Vocational School Principles of Vocational Education in Business Administration
Zero Waste Management Directive
Uygulamalı Eğitimler YönergesiYENİ
Theology Undergraduate Completion Distance Education-Teaching and Exam Application Principles
Muafiyet ve İntibak İşlemleri Yönergesi YENİ
Student Food Scholarship Directive
Vocational Schools Coordinatorship Directive
Faculty of Theology Arabic Preparatory Class Education and Exam Application Principles
Faculty of Engineering Computer Engineering Department Internship Directive
Agricultural Application and Research Center Directorate Directive
Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department Application Procedures and Principles
Scientific Research Projects Implementation Directive
Scholarship and Housing Coordinator Directive
Social Mediation Coordinator Directive
Publication Directive
Make-up Exams Directive
Summer School Directive
Special Student Directive
Double Major and Minor Program Directive
Quality Assurance Directive
Specialization Coordinator Directive for Agricultural Products with High Value Added
Archive Directive
Iğdır University Vehicle Directive
Student Internship Directive
Principles of Practice Regarding Originality and Plagiarism Report in Thesis Study and Term Project in Graduate Programs
Distance Education Directive
Pandemi Sürecinde Uzaktan Eğitim Uygulama Usul ve Esasları Önlisans-Lisans Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Başvuru, Kabul ve Kayıt Yönergesi
Yabancı Uyruklu Lisansüstü Öğrenci Başvuru Kabul ve Kayıt Yönergesi
Yabancı Dil Eğitim-Öğretimi ve Zorunlu Yabancı Dil Hazırlık Eğitim-Öğretimi Yönergesi Scientific Publications and Journals Directive
Education and Training Commission (EKOM) Directive
Graduate Education Institute Education-Training and Examination Directive
Movable Goods Directive
Foreign Relations Coordinator Directive
Safety and Traffic Practices Directive
Graduate Thesis Writing Guidelines
Directive on Transfer of Administrative Personnel out of Province
Öğrenci Koordinatörlüğü Teşkilat, Görev ve Çalışma Usulleri Yönergesi
Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center Directive
International Student Exam Directive (IYÖS)
Technology Transfer Office Directive
Applied Engineering Education (Intern) Directive
Directive on the Fight Against Psychological Harassment
Security Investigation and Archive Research Directive
Research Laboratory Application and Research Center Directive
Legal Advisory Working Duties and Authorization Directive
IU Tuzluca Vocational School Internship Directive
IU Digital Education Coordinator Directive
Faculty of Engineering Civil Engineering Department Internship Directive
Faculty of Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Internship Directive
IU Permit Directive
IU Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive
Directive on Giving IU Honorary Academic Titles and Service Awards
Principles of Appointment to Research Assistant Staff at IU Institutes
Döner Sermaye Yürütme Kurulu Çalışma Usul ve Esasları Yönergesi
Directive on the Working Procedures and Principles of the Units of the IU IT Department
IU Student Societies Directive
Implementation Directive on the Use of IU Commercial Advertisement Advertisement Poster Stands and Promotion Tools and University Physical Spaces
IU Sports Facilities Management Directive
IU Disabled Counseling and Coordination Unit Directive
IU Higher Education Council Exchange Programs Farabi Exchange Program Directive
IU Higher Education Council Mevlana Exchange Program Directive
Ziraat Fakültesi Yaz Staj Yönergesi YENİ
Diploma, Diploma Eki ve Diğer Belgelerin Düzenlenmesine İlişkin Yönerge
IU Student Council Directive
IU Internal Audit Directive
Part-Time Student Directive
IU Directive on International Student Admission
IU Electronic Document Management System and Signature Authorization Directive
IU Engineering Faculty Food Engineering Department Internship Directive
IU Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement Directive
IU Erasmus Student Exchange Directive
IU Rectorate Signature Authorization Directive
IU Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee Directive
IU Intra-Institutional and Inter-Institutional Transfer Principles Directive
IU Library Services Directive Part One
IU Vocational Schools Programs Advisory Committees Directive
IU Student Counseling Directive
IU Health Services Vocational School Internship Directive
IU Social Facilities Management Directive
IU Iğdır Vocational School Internship Directive
Operation and Inspection Directive of IU Cafeteria, Canteen and Cafeterias
IU Postgraduate Specialization Course Opening and Application Directive
Öğretim Üyesi Dışındaki Öğretim Elemanı Kadrolarına
Yapılacak Atamalarda Uygulanacak Merkezi Sınav ile Giriş Sınavlarına İlişkin
Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmelik YENİ
Devlet Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Doktora Sonrası Sözleşmeli Araştırmacı Çalıştırılmasına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar YENİ
Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yönetmeliği
Sürekli Eğitim Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yönetmeliği
Regulation on Women and Family Studies Application and Research Center
Yenilikçi Gıda Teknolojileri Geliştirme Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi Yönetmeliği
Postgraduate Education and Examination Regulations
Revolving Fund Regulation
Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations
Occupational Health and Safety Application and Research Center Regulation
Biodiversity Application and Research Center Regulation
Regulation on Joint Application and Research Centers in Higher Education Institutions
Conflict Resolution and Coexistence Culture Practice and Research Center Regulation
Fruit Growing Application and Research Center Regulation
Caucasus Studies Application and Research Center Regulation
Regulation on the Procedures and Principles Regarding the Implementation of the Electronic Signature Law
Population and Migration Studies Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Caferilik Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Cultural Heritage Conservation Application and Research Center Regulation
Regulation of IU Salt Therapy Application and Research Center
Regulation of IU Great Ararat Natural Disaster and Resources Research Center
IU Computer Sciences Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Distance Education Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Turkish Teaching Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Mount Ararat Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Environmental Problems Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Department of Health, Culture and Sports Part-Time Student Employment Program Implementation Principles
IU Research Laboratory Application and Research Center Regulation
IU Agricultural Application and Research Center Regulation
Higher Education Institutions, Medico-Social Health, Culture and Sports Affairs Department Implementation Regulation
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