Sustainable Green Campus
We Use Natural Resources Effectively
In our sustainable green campus, effective use and protection of natural resources are among our primary goals. That's why we attach importance to solar energy panels and energy management projects to ensure energy efficiency. Our sustainable green campus offers an exemplary living space to students, staff and visitors with its environmentally friendly practices and sustainability principles...

We Care About Recycling
Efficient management and recycling of waste is encouraged on our campus. We involve students and staff in the recycling process with recycling containers, waste sorting points and awareness campaigns. Thus, we aim to reduce the amount of waste and ensure the reuse of recyclable materials...

We Pay Attention to Green Spaces and Ecosystem Protection
Protecting and diversifying green spaces on our campus is of great importance. We are working on protecting existing trees, new afforestation projects and increasing plant diversity. In this way, we contribute to protecting natural habitats, supporting local ecosystems and ensuring biodiversity...
We Encourage Conscious Community Engagement
The cornerstone of our sustainable green campus understanding is to create a conscious community. We aim to exchange ideas and develop projects on sustainability by collaborating with student groups and non-governmental organizations...